Lighting solutions from MENTOR at VDID’s “Intelligence of the Future” conference

VDID’s specialist conference on “Intelligence of the Future – How Smart is AI?” is taking place at the Design Center Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart on Friday, 8 November 2019. MENTOR will be there as an exhibitor and sponsor.
The event is being hosted by German industrial design association VDID (Verband Deutscher Industrie Designer e.V.), which has organised the conference as part of its 60th anniversary celebrations. The conference programme will focus on the following key topics: Do ethics play a part in machine design and will they determine the future of the human–machine network? What responsibility does design have amid the conflicting priorities in this field? How can design meet the socio-cultural, ecological and economic requirements of the future? We are delighted to be participating in this exciting conference as an exhibitor and sponsor. For more information on the “Intelligence of the Future” conference, click here (german).